An overview of Crescent Kayaks. Arguably the best performing, highest quality, mixed-use kayaks in existence!
Adventuring and angling kayaks that excel in paddling performance, accessibility, comfort, ergonomics, carrying ease, durability, and customization options.
Perfect for kids and furry companions, too.
American-made and backed by a Lifetime Warranty.
Built using the highest grade polyethylene without taking material quantity shortcuts such as skimping on hull thickness or reducing surface areas (e.g., freeboard in the bow).
Their patented hulls are rotomolded using crosslinked polyethylene, not linear polyethene.
Designed to perform using multi-chined hulls that displace water to produce substantial stability (allowing the paddler to stand while on the water), Crescent kayaks therefore do not "drag" while paddling--less friction means more glide.
Their flared upswept bow allows the kayak to ride high and dry in chop, mild whitewater, and somewhat swell-induced situations.
Constructed of stainless hardware and aluminum framing--absent of a single rivet--and locally fabricated components.
Additional information will be added to this blog post as time allows.